SEPTEMBER NEWSLETTER: Absences 📅| Babies 0-2ans 👶 | October Workshops 🎃 | Online Classes 💻
Hello! We are Back to School. The children are settling into their classes and the flow of English learning and fun has already started....
AUGUST NEWSLETTER: **NEW Forest Playgroup 🏃🌲, Back to School 2020/21💼 + availabilities 24-28 Augu
"C'est en forgeant qu'on devient forgeron" "Practice makes perfect" MERCI DE PARTAGER - PLEASE SHARE - THANKS Hello! Back to School time...
Covid 19 Communication
Dear Parents, Firstly, we hope you are safe and well and able to enjoy some sunshine and are keeping up your English. We miss our little...
March Newsletter - Registration for September and don't worry, imaginary friends are always free
Hello ! What an amazing fortnight we have just had. The level of creativity and imagination was fabulous and the weather just pefect.. We...
Comment ameliorer l'anglais de votre ado?
L'anglais est essentiel pour l'adolescent. Pour leurs opportunités d'éducation et de carrière. On nous demande souvent d'aider les...
KidooLand Villeneuve Loubet
Hello! Après 10 ans de succès à Vallauris, KidooLand ouvre ses portes à Villeneuve Loubet en 2018. Nous le faisons pour plusieurs...
December Newsletter from KidooLand
Hello Kidoo's Here is our team December message and information while you Deck the Halls with boughs of Holly – this is my favourite...
International Examinations - E-Book à télécharger 'Packages Cocoon' cahiers d'activités
À KidooLand, nous savons que l'éducation de votre enfant est importante. Nous savons que c'est un vrai avantage pour un enfant d'être...
Positivity the key to success, useful apps, bilingual study & Thanksgiving.
November Newsletter Hello, Autumn is here or “Fall” as they say in America – I love this time of year where the leaves turn golden! As I...
6: Lizzy Parks chats music and choir with Riviera Firefly
TITLE: Riviera Firefly talks with Lizzy Parks SERIES: Lifestyle and Healthy living EPISODE: 6 Listen on Stitcher Listen on ITunes...