June Newsletter
Hello ! Even if this wet weather would have us believe otherwise, summer really is just around the corner and here at KidooLand we are...

Comment valider la sécurité d’un centre qui accueil vos enfants?
C’est vrai que les vacances scolaires sont loongues et que les colonies de vacances, centres de loisirs et stages de vacances sont super...

May Newsletter
Hello ! The current school year is not yet over, but we are of course already looking forward to the summer holidays and this year we...

Comment est-ce que les enfants apprennent l'anglais à KidooLand?
Des parents francophones ont peur de transmettre leurs erreurs en anglais à leurs enfants. C'est grave? KidooLand peut les corriger?...

Holiday fun at KidooLand!
We are all aware of the advantages that speaking fluent English can bring to children during their school years and beyond into adult...

March Newsletter
Hello ! We have so many exciting things going on at KidooLand this month! Firstly, a big thank you to everyone who took advantage of our...

Technology's role in Early Years Education
Our children have been born into an ever changing digital world. This can be very scary for parents as it is so different from our own...

Singing with your Preschooler
Singing is something many parents feel more than a little self-conscious about! However, songs and nursery rhymes are a fabulous tool for...

World Book Day – a great opportunity to read together again!
The virtues of reading with children has been documented numerous times over recent years and studies say that you can’t start too young!...

Fitness for Mums in English ..(and dads!)
Face it busy mums we need that time out .. we need that time to think about ourselves because if you look after number 1 then you will be...