September Newsletter - Discover KidooLand's exciting 2018/19 programme for children & adults
Hello! The summer holidays are just about finished and we hope that this newsletter finds you safe, well, relaxed and looking forward to...

August Newsletter
Hello! We hope you are enjoying the summer holidays! This is just a short newsletter to let you know about: Our OPEN DAY on Wednesday 5th...

July Newsletter
Hello! The summer holidays are finally here - hurrah! We hope that you all find some time to relax and recuperate at some point over the...

June Newsletter
Hello! That's it everyone, one month and counting until the schools break up (even less for those with children in 6ème and up), but...

AdoLand, le grand frère de KidooLand!
Vous cherchez désespérément des activités pour occuper votre ado cet été ? Ne cherchez plus !! Chez AdoLand nous comprenons que la période...

May Newsletter
Hello! I think we all let out a huge sigh of relief when the warm weather finally arrived in mid April and since then, everyone I bump...

April Newsletter
Hello! A belated Happy Easter to you all ! In England it is the Easter Bunny (not the Easter bells) who delivers the Easter eggs, so I...

March Newsletter
Hello! After such a fun, wintery end to February, I am so looking forward to spring time; the slow return to warmer temperatures and...