End of Year English Newsletter 2016

Many thanks for clicking our link to the English newsletter. In the futrue this means we will be able to send you a newsletter directly in English ;-)
We do have a PDF for improving English at home for the moment it is in French though! We will get this translated though you can download the french PDF already here
You can listen to my podcast on preparing and taking the primary school International Test for the English Section here:
There is still time to buy a gift that continues to give to your child throughout his life - A KidooLand voucher to learn English in February school holidays . We have several fun themes Carnival and Beauty and the Beast as well as several groups preparing specifically for the International Tests.
It's a gift that will give them the chance of a bilingual education with our preparation for the Sartoux and CIV tests that have limited places and the experience of our team who have done this for 10 years.
We have a promo running if taken out before January 4 2017 (save 80euros) If you want to give this bilingual education chance to your child and s/he will take the CIV or Fenelon test in 2017, consider our dedicated and private VIP group with a maximum of 50 members starting in January until May 4, 2017 . The KidooLand Cocoon - Private VIP group targeting the International Examinations and how to prepare and pass the CIV test. We offer you special tests and excercises to do at home in this group. DETAILS OF THE KIDOOLAND COCOON PRIVATE ESL GROUP and what's included. OPENING DATES
Kidooland, will be officially closed during Christmas holidays except for workshops ... because members of our English-speaking team return to see their families in their countries in order to celebrate the Christmas holidays. Our classes will resume on Monday 2 January 2017 for the Playgroup and on Wednesday 4 January for English is fun.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year with our KidooLand Mannequin Challenge!!
See you next year
Antonia and the KidooTeam.