6: Lizzy Parks chats music and choir with Riviera Firefly

TITLE: Riviera Firefly talks with Lizzy Parks
SERIES: Lifestyle and Healthy living
Riviera Firefly is your online guide to living on and visiting the French Riviera and the Côte d'Azur. We cover topics such as Education for children and adults, Places to visit, Health and lifestyle, hobbies and leisure and have lots of fun here in the Alpes Maritimes. We also talk to inspiring local entrepreneurs and small businesses about how they started their careers in France, dealing with administration and what brought them here in the first place. Topical issues such as Brexit and what this means to expats will also be covered in 2017. Our online directory and magazine can be found on www.rivierafirefly.com
In this Riviera Firefly Episode 6 Antonia talks withLizzy Parks Composer, performer, musical educator and mum!
Grazia magazine said she is “La Cannoise a suivre .. The Cannes Girl to follow..” and BBC Radio 2s Jamie Callum agrees saying she is a fantastic jazz singer… definitely one to watch from now on, she’s got a great voice and she’s a great songwriter as well
As well as renown performer and composer she also works in education for both children and adults which is how I met her originally and in fact my husband trains with her Big Blaze Chorus which we will talk about later..
Other performing groups that Lizzy collaborates with are Lizzy and the Gentlemen and the superb vintage 50s styled The Sundown sisters.
What to expect from the programme
[01:50] Early days what inspired Lizzy Parks back in Devon
[04:00] Music in schools - it’s so important!
[06:00] Music in the home
[06:45] The albums and Collaborations
[10:29] MIDEM International B2B Music Market In the Palais du Congress
[14:00] Sundown Sisters Vintage 1950’s swing trio
[15:45] Lizzy and the Gentlemen a 'pick and mix’ group bass drums guitar singers sax
[17:30] The Big Blaze Chorus a fun creative choir for English speakers age 18+. Take any song and change the style (Katy Perry, Beatles, Gospel, Charlie and the Chocolate factory) .. mums , adds , retirees , students, entrepreneurs, multi national.. A safe comfortable environment to express yourself.
They meet on Tuesday evenings Colibris in Sophia Antipolis Biot.
[22:00] Voiles d’Antibes with the Blah Blahs, Christmas Village, Flash mob in Cannes
[24:10] Future project a children’s choir
[25:10] Favourite place on the Cote d’Azur Villa Roschild Cap d’Antibes
L’Ecrin in Cannes Restaurant and bar.
.. why not join Lizzy chorus go to bigblazechorus.com
Need a fabulous band for an event (corporate, marriage , special occasion etc )
www.lizzyandthegentlemen.com there are some great videos you can look and listen to how they transform some classics and don’t forget too thesundownsisters.com for the 50s glamour swing trio.
Jamie Callum’s advice piqued your interest then you will need lizzyparks.com to checkout her sultry back catalogue.
Thanks for listening Fireflies.
MIDEM International Music Congress..
L’Ecrin Plage Cannes
Lizzy Parks You tube links https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=lizzy%20parks
Real Thing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDcpHsCX0w0
Raise the Roof : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejSJhT5v3dQ
This episode was sponsored by www.kidooland.com The little English School in Sophia Antipolis on the French Riviera
www.rivierafirefly.com Copyright 2017.