Learn French at KidooLand this Summer

KidooLand is very much the English experts here on the Côte d'Azur and so in order to be able to propose a summer camp to children learning and improving their French that met our own fun standards the level was set high!
We have chosen to work with Veronique the Director and French teacher from French Access as they are able to combine fun with professionalism. She is particularly specialised in teaching French to non natives.
A variety of activities will take place and their will be an opportunity to hang out with all the French children, here learning English that week. It should be a fun atmosphere!
Below you will find an example of the kind of activities we will be doing. We need to know your child's level to be able to adapt the French to meet their requirements.
They will be running a class from 9-13th July 2018.
9-12h every morning. Bring a bottle of water and a snack.
The cost will be 170 euros paid directly to French Access.
To reserve we need all the essential details for your child's comfort and security. COMPLETE A FORM
Obviously we ask questions on the form about English level so in the free text box, please add in here the level and requirements for the French language.
Kidooland is growing too and so for this summer we should have doubled our space with a lovely big airy and light room for sports and leisure.
Should you be looking for an all day formula then of course you could combine this with the Kidooland afternoon programme in English where we will be doing all things African .. the language, food, culture and music as part of our Madagasgar theme! All day-ers should bring a picnic or book the lunch.