September Newsletter - Discover KidooLand's exciting 2018/19 programme for children & adults
The summer holidays are just about finished and we hope that this newsletter finds you safe, well, relaxed and looking forward to an exciting new school year. Here at KidooLand we've been very busy not only with our various holiday camps (can we really call it work when we have so much fun as well?!), but also with the planning and organisation of our new 2018/19 programme for children and adults. In fact, there is so much to tell you about that this edition of our newsletter is dedicated just to that! Read on to learn about...
La Rentrée at KidooLand - key dates for your diaries
Our OPEN DAY on Wednesday 5th September
New for 2018: 3 Playgroup levels & all day sessions on Tuesday & Thursdays
New for 2018: Dance & Chess on Wednesday afternoons for children
New for 2018: KidooLand welcomes adults for classes and activities in English!
Contact us with any queries you may have: ring 09 52 26 87 74 or send us an email to
- Playgroup starts Monday 3rd September.
- "English is Fun" starts Wednesday 5th September.
- Parent & Toddler Group starts Friday 7th September.
- Mum & Baby Group starts Monday 10th September.

Everyone is welcome to come and visit our Vallauris-Sophia Antipolis centre on Wednesday 5th September from 10h - 16h to learn more about our full programme of activities and classes.
As you are probably already aware, we have recently expanded this center and, after some extensive renovation works, we are thrilled with our new, light, airy and modern space. We are more than ready to welcome not only children but also adults for a whole programme of lessons and activities which will run throughout the year - all in English of course!
For more information or to reserve an individual appointment, please contact us:
Of course, you don't need to wait for our Open Day to sign up! Sign up for September today: our full programme is shown below and there is lots of information about each activity/class on our website.
As in previous years, we are still offering our weekly "English is Fun" classes on Wednesday and Saturdays, Parent & Baby groups on Mondays and Fridays, as well as our ever popular daily playgroup sessions. This year Playgroup which will be split into 3 levels and extended playgroup sessions (until 15h30) will now also be available on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Don't hesitate to take a look at our website or contact us today in order to reserve a place for you or your child.
Please note that the Wednesday morning slots for 4-6 year olds are full already.
The playgroup team is ready to welcome your children to Playgroup from this Monday 3rd September. This year we have 3 levels of playgroup - Rainbows, Explorers & Kindergarten - and KidooLand is now also offering all day playgroup on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Children staying for all day Playgroup will need to bring their own picnic, which they will eat with a member of the team in our Tea Room. We will propose some quiet time in the Zen Room, where we have mats for a rest (you will need to provide a clean sheet each week). After the quiet period we then will do a little activity all together before children are collected at 15h30. A maximum of 6 children can be accepted into the all day programme, so reserve you child's spot ASAP to avoid disappointment!

Beginners chess club for for all ages (Wednesdays, 14h-15h)
Learn how to play chess using the Stappen Method: we'll start at the beginning, learning the names of the chess pieces, how they move, how to play, understanding and using strategies. All in English of course! Learning to play chess is great for improving childrens creativity, it increases problem solving skills, boosts memory and it's also lots of fun!

Tu-Tu Baby Dance, for 2-3 yrs & 4-6 yrs
This is a fun-filled dance class for youngsters where children will learn the basics of ballet and classical dance, all in English!
There will be no big show at the end of the year as many children find this incredibly daunting (and the costumes can be expensive for parents!). Instead, there will be a little presentation so that the children can show off what they have learned. For the weekly classes, there is no required attire. The children should wear flexible clothing (eg tracksuit) or be able to change themselves into a dance outfit.

Conversation classes (Mondays, 12h-13h30)
Come and join us for a conversational lesson IN ENGLISH here at KidooLand. We know that as an adult we can lack confidence when speaking a foreign language. The classroom at school focused a lot on reading and writing and now we are adults in the real world This friendly interactive group focuses on building vocabulary, being able to talk about many different subjects and above all enjoy speaking the language of shakespeare!
Yoga and Pilates in English
Yoga and Pilates can both help to improve core muscle strength and flexibility so why not take multitasking to the next level and get fitter and stronger whilst learning English! Faye is our resident Zen Godess and will be welcoming adults of all levels (of fitness and English ability) on Tuesdays and Fridays. Places can be reserved on a termly or annual basis.
The KidooLand team is available to help if you have any questions about any of our activities. Please don't hesitate to give us a call (09 52 26 87 74) or send us an email (!
I hope to see you at KidooLand soon!
All the best,
Antonia Beauvoisin Brown
Managing Director of KidooLand